Busy, Busy, Busy!
I know, I know. It's been a couple weeks. I've been busy! To make a long story short, those 3D buildings I made...7 of my files were corrupted and I lost them. So I have been spending my free time trying to catch up and remake these objects. I haven't even started animating yet, and it is due in one week. I'll get it done, and it will be fine. It's just a lot of extra time I need to put in when I wouldn't have needed to normally. It has given me the chance to remake some geometry I needed to remake.We're down to seven weeks of school left. Spring semester always seems to fly by faster than fall. I think it's because in March and April we have a lot of days off (spring break, assessment test days, Easter break) and those months seem much shorter because of it. Unfortunately, many more projects seem to creep up during these months as well! We always seem to pull through...
Tonight I'm involved in interviewing candidates for next year's Resident Assistant staff. I know a lot of the candidates, so it'll be tough. But we'll put together a great staff for on-campus residents next year!
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