My Animated Logo
For my first assignment in Graphic Effects, we were to come up with a logo that represents ourselves and then animate it in some way. First of all, I hate making things that “represent me”. I don’t know why, but I find it very frustrating and difficult to come up with something. I am great at creating things that represent OTHER people. Just not myself. Anyway, I drew a lot of different ideas for my logo. I got inspired by many other existing logos. Powerade, MTV, and Mello Yello–to name a few.
Frustrated with what I was coming up with, I looked around the classroom; I then spotted a colorwheel. I was overcome with inspiration! Check out my finished project in this small version, the quality is much better. If you can’t see it, then check it out here. It’s about 3 seconds long, so if it seems to go super fast, play it again and it will go normal speed.
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