Get Involved!
One thing that I love about going to school here, is that there's a way to get involved on campus, no matter what you're interested in. I'm interested in a lot of things...and so I've been involved in a lot of organizations. Below is the list of what I've done, outside of class and work, to get involved on campus.•Resident Assistant (Emry Hall) 2 years
•Student Ambassadors 2 years
•Student Activities Board 1 year
•Drama Club 3 years
•Comedy Bytes Improvisation 3 years
•DSU Theater 3 years
•Freshman Showcase; director 1 year
•Student Senate 1 year
•Intervarsity 2 years
•Crossfire Worship Team 1 year
•Discipleship Groups 1 year
•Youth Group volunteer (West Center Baptist) 1 year
•DSU Concert Band 2 years
•Intramurals 2 years
•Emry Hall Council 2 years
If you have questions about any of these (or any other) organizations, just comment and I'll try to help! Get involved!
Just thought I'd say hello. I'm a senior in HS (in Sioux Falls,SD), but plan on attending DSU next year. I also plan on being apart of Intervarsity and on going to West Center Baptist. I also plan on majoring in digital arts and design and specializing in graphic design. I loved your animations and they looked like so much fun to create. At my high school I'm in a multimedia design class, but still learning the software (Macromedia/Adobe Director) so the projects are slightly boring. I don't know what Hall I'll be in, but I did put Emry down for my first choice. I just thought it amazing that we have those things in common. Have a great week!
I agree with you on group involvement especially pertaining to on-campus arts. When I went to school at DSU there was very little activity with on-campus art groups. I asked myself "Is it that students at DSU aren't passionate about art like they should be or do they just at DSU for an easy diploma?" To my knowledge, the only people who are keeping these groups alive or trying to get groups going are the professors.
I have enormous respect for these individuals who champion these groups every year; my hat is off to you (Alan Montgomery and Lynn Nelson for getting students interested in AIGA & Tom Jones for keeping the ART Club going).
However, being involved in a group is a lot different than just going to meetings and doing nothing with those groups just for the sake of adding an on-campus activity to your resume. If you are going to belong to a group, you need to prove that you are there because you are passionate about what that group is all about.
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